Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen

Wissensmagazin "Galileo" testest den Superleggera
Der leichteste Koffer der Welt ist da! Bazza hat mit dem Verkauf des "Superleggera" begonnen. Wie all unsere Produkte wird auch unser Koffer aus Bohnen hergestellt. Unser Gründer Michael erklärt...
Wissensmagazin "Galileo" testest den Superleggera
Der leichteste Koffer der Welt ist da! Bazza hat mit dem Verkauf des "Superleggera" begonnen. Wie all unsere Produkte wird auch unser Koffer aus Bohnen hergestellt. Unser Gründer Michael erklärt...

Superleggera: Museum Debut Before Launch
The "Superleggera" by the Italian company Bazza will be the lightest suitcase in the world. As part of Vienna Design Week, the prototype will float on a balloon attached to...
Superleggera: Museum Debut Before Launch
The "Superleggera" by the Italian company Bazza will be the lightest suitcase in the world. As part of Vienna Design Week, the prototype will float on a balloon attached to...

The flying luggage prototype
Bazza Superleggera, the world's lightest luggage, is flying!! We made a short video just for fun... Starring Bruno Brioche!The luggage is light, but WILL IT BREAK? Watch the video below...
The flying luggage prototype
Bazza Superleggera, the world's lightest luggage, is flying!! We made a short video just for fun... Starring Bruno Brioche!The luggage is light, but WILL IT BREAK? Watch the video below...

Abbiamo convertito i nostri uffici per ospitare i profughi ucraini Hey! Avevamo tantissimo spazio nei nostri uffici e abbiamo pensato di usarne una parte per i nostri amici Ucraini che...
Abbiamo convertito i nostri uffici per ospitare i profughi ucraini Hey! Avevamo tantissimo spazio nei nostri uffici e abbiamo pensato di usarne una parte per i nostri amici Ucraini che...